#AerieREAL Life

10 ideas for a daycation

Tired of the same old routine? Switch it up with these 10 ideas from CHAARG (Changing Health, Attitudes & Actions to Recreate Girls) to do on a free weekend day or in those few hours after your 9-5 and get addicted to these routine refreshers! 1] BE A TOURIST IN YOUR OWN CITY Fall in love your city all over again and discover some new favorites! Head into the heart of your city, walk the side streets, check out the shops you’ve never been in before and don’t be afraid to get a little lost. Exploring your own city on foot will force you to look at things in a new light. 2] SAY NO TO NETFLIX Instead of diving onto the couch immediately after walking in the door, try something different. Take an art class, volunteer in your community or try a new workout class you’ve never done before. The fewer hours you spend in front of the TV, the greater your mental and physical health. 3] REFRESH YOUR HAPPY HOUR Instead of your go-to place, give your happy hour a different meaning. Pack an easy, travel-friendly picnic dinner, head to a local park and share a meal with friends. Not only will the new scenery be a refreshing change, but you’ll likely save a few dollars. Spending time outdoors can be a serious happiness booster, too! 10 Ideas For A Daycation with Aerie and CHAARG

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4] SWITCH UP YOUR COMMUTE Do you take the same route to work every morning? It’s pretty easy to switch it up. If you walk to work, try taking a new path, even if it’s a few blocks out of the way. Drive or ride your bike? For a more health-conscious option, try running or cycling home from the office. You’ll see things from a new perspective and that unavoidable commute will feel exciting again. 5] BUSY ALL DAY? Even if your daily responsibilities run long past 5 pm, you’ve still got time to squeeze in a mini-adventure. Summer skies are usually cloud free, so head out for a nighttime walk the next time there’s a full moon. This new, fresh perspective can be great for sparking creativity or getting a quick mental refresh. 6] CAMP OUT (OR PRETEND TO) If you or a friend has a truck, pack it up with some snacks, sleeping bags and a couple flashlights. Drive out to a nearby campground and set up camp in the truck bed. You’ll get the feel of camping with no equipment or major planning needed. No truck? Bring the same supplies, build a fire and roast marshmallows, then pack it all up and drive home at the end of the night. You’ll get the camping feel even if you don’t make it an overnight! 7] SIGN UP FOR A RACE IN A NEARBY CITY Grab some friends and sign up for a race in a different city. You’ll get the chance to explore a new city in a unique way, and race weekends often have great deals on food, hotels and more! 8] CHASE THE SUNSET Unless you’re a West Coast local, the sunset can be a bit elusive. Just as the evening light begins to fade, hop in your car and start driving toward the sunset. Be sure to bring your GPS so you can find your way back! Find a nice place to stop along the way and watch the last rays of light fade. The excitement of not knowing where you’re going and spending a few hours cruising to your favorite summer songs make this mini-roadtrip feel like a great adventure. 9] JOIN THE DAWN PATROL If mornings are more your style, try squeezing in a sunrise activity before heading off to work or class. Outdoor workouts like yoga, paddling or hiking give you the added benefits of sunrise views. If it takes you awhile to wake up enough to work out, try grabbing an early morning breakfast with a friend—most cities have cafes that open at 6 for just that. 10] CONTROL YOUR TIME Are you always wishing you had more time? Turns out you do, but you just haven’t taken advantage of it yet! Did you know that waking up 20 minutes earlier or staying up 20 minutes later each day will earn you 5 more days each year? It’s true! Take 20 to sip your morning coffee and enjoy those few minutes before the world starts buzzing awake, hit the streets for a few quick miles or use that time to try out that hobby you didn’t have time for before. If these options still seem too challenging to fit into your schedule, remember that simply leaving your phone at home and going for a walk can be enough of a break from the constant buzz, and may be just what you need. Tiny changes can help make big improvements in your daily life! ABOUT CHAARG // We believe that working out can (and should!) be fun. We’re an organization of 2,500+ girls at more than 24 universities that encourages college-aged girls to find their fit, whether it’s yoga, CrossFit or anything in between. You don’t need to be a marathon runner or a weight lifting champion to join—it’s all about finding what works for you. That’s the beauty of CHAARG. We’re a group of real girls with a passion for leading happy, healthy lives. Sound like you? To learn more about us, check out CHAARG.com and find us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. ABOUT TERESA // Teresa Sandoval is a CHAARG blogger from The Ohio State University. She dedicates her free time to any and all activities that let her get outside. When she isn’t taking her dog for a run or spending time in the sunshine, she can be found getting messy and creative in the kitchen.