#AerieREAL Life

Introducing #AerieREAL Role Models

No retouching. Body positivity. Girl power. Introducing #AerieREAL Role Models! Joining our original Role Model and Body Positivity Activist Iskra is Singer-Songwriter Rachel Platten, Actress Yara Shahidi and Gold Medal Gymnast Aly Raisman. Each of these amazing women inspires us, just like each of YOU inspires us and empowers those around you every single day. See more from our #AerieREAL Role Models here (and watch them below!), shop their faves and stay tuned for Real Talks and so much more inspiration from these amazing women. This is women supporting women. This is empowerment. This is #AerieREAL! Rachel, Yara, Aly and Iskra are #AerieREAL, and so are YOU! Join the movement and share what makes you an #AerieREAL Role Model.