#AerieREAL Life

Your New #AerieREAL Ambassadors Have Arrived!

#AerieREAL Ambassadors represent and embody the best of the Aerie and OFFLINE™ by Aerie ideals and lead empowering lives throughout the nation. Using their passion and positive influence, they share the #AerieREAL message in their communities and social media platforms, dishing out content that is both relatable and relevant. Our partnerships with entrepreneurs, mothers, activists, athletes, photographers and so many more have always proved invigorating, and our 2020 Ambassadors are here to continue our longstanding mission.


2020 is the year of change, and our #AerieREAL Ambassadors are changing with us! This year we removed all market barriers from our recruiting and included Canada when we saw our customers responding and wanting to be a part of the program. We also created a program for our Alumni (and top content creators) that wish to still support Aerie but no longer have the time to devote to the full program (we get it, that’s life!).

This is our most inclusive group of Ambassadors yet!

This group consists of 170 total ambassadors, including 120 Brand Ambassadors and 50 Alumni Ambassadors. They represent two countries and 98 markets, and for the next year will serve as stewards of the #AerieREAL life.

Watch this space for more from your #AerieREAL Ambassadors this year!