#AerieREAL Life

#AerieREAL Brand Ambassadors

Meet some of our new #AerieREAL Ambassadors! These girls are college students across the country who will be sharing the #AerieREAL love on their campuses all year long, from girls’ nights to body positivity events to shopping parties. We brought 10 of our 41 new ambassadors to our HQ for a full day of fun. Get to know these #AerieREAL girls below!

#AerieREAL Brand Ambassadors


Geosciences and Policy double major, Pennsylvania State University

“My role model is conservationist, biologist, naturalist and author E.O. Wilson. He is a world-renowned biologist who engineered the landscape for conservation, but most importantly he coined the term and lifestyle of biophilia, the love of life and all living things.”


Marketing major, University of Wisconsin-Madison

What she loves most about herself? “My resilience! I’ve faced some major obstacles in life thus far, and I am so proud of myself for having the resilience to bounce back, turning a negative into a positive, and continuing to grow with each and every experience!”

Follow @erif_lily & @ryekoch on Instagram


Applied Kinesiology major, Rutgers University

Quote she lives by? “The grass is greener where you water it.”

Role models? “Emma Watson OR Stone. I can’t choose!”


Textile Brand Management and Marketing major, North Carolina State University

“I love my tenacity. College has shown me some truths about the world and myself. A lot of those things were hard to process, but I surprised myself with my strength. I think that all women are tested at one point or another and in these moments, we all have a decision to make: to get up, or to get up stronger.”


Developmental Psychology major, University of Pittsburgh

Daily mantra? “’Think positive and positive things will happen.’ Such a simple quote but has literally helped me become the most optimistic person.”


Strategic Communications major, The Ohio State University

Plans after college? “I would love to do social media marketing or fashion merchandising!”


University of Connecticut

“I am #AerieREAL because my strength is unwavering, because I am always growing and learning to love the things about myself that I once thought were flaws, and because I am unapologetically me.”

Follow @michelle_nagy & @nikita.roy on Instagram


Public Relations and French majors, Boston University

“To me, #AerieREAL is about honesty. It’s about being true to who I am and the woman I hope to be. I’m #AerieREAL because I refuse to waste another minute pursuing someone else’s idea of happy. I’m living my happy.”


Marketing major, University of Maryland

Quote she lives by? “If you really want something, you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it.” — Blair Waldorf

Role models? “Iskra Lawrence and Sophia Amoruso.”


Graphic Communications major, Clemson University

Can’t leave home without… “Headphones/earbuds, my wristlet (it has my ID and everything), and EXTRA spearmint gum.”

What makes her #AerieREAL? “Living authentically and unapologetically ‘me.’  I’m not what society thinks is beautiful all the time, but I’m exactly who I’m supposed to be, and that’s what the Aerie girl represents.”

Follow @svnhmry, @lidijajurovich & @afro_jane on Instagram

To end the day, the girls all signed our #AerieREAL promise, a commitment to empowering all girls to feel good about their REAL selves, inside and out. Be sure to come meet our new ambassadors this year and help us share the #AerieREAL love!