#AerieREAL Life

How to: Glitter resin pins

We’re all about adding a POP! of color this season, & we’re ALWAYS about adding something extra with accessories. Join in on the fun with this DIY!



  1. Follow the directions on your clear epoxy resin bottle in order to properly prepare the resin.
  2. In a plastic cup, pour in some resin.
  3. Add glitter, sequins or confetti to the cup and mix thoroughly.
  4. Pour mixture into silicone molds and let sit until hard, about two hours.
  5. Once hardened, remove from molds.
  6. Using your hot glue gun, attach the pin backings to your finished resin pieces.
  7. Attach to your fave denim overalls, ball cap or wherever you want to add a pop of color!

How will you be accessorizing with these colorful pins?! Comment below & tell us!