#AerieREAL Life

3 ways to spend your long weekend

You’ve been at home, so we wanted to give you three ways to break the monotony! Read on below to see how you can spend your long weekend and make it extra stylish and extra special.

Get out of those sweats and into a dress! Our Smocked Midi Dress comes in fun prints and flow-y fabric that is a must for the long weekend. Still soft, still comfy and SO cute! Pair it with a matching headband and strappy sandals for a summery style that you’ll want to wear all weekend long.

Get out of the house and head to your backyard, porch or even your local park! Have your own picnic with a refreshing mocktail and your fave treat. Grab a blanket, a book and a cute picnic basket. Not sure what to fill that basket with? We’ve got you covered!

Have you been watching more cooking shows since you’ve been home or been wanting to try that new TikTok food trend? Now’s the time! One of our fave picnic-friendly recipes is for these yummy vegan beet burgers. Gather up the ingredients and make your own using the recipe below!

Beet Burger Recipe



  1. Peel and chop the beets and carrots.
  2. Using a blender or food processor, blend together beets, carrots, black beans and garlic until finely chopped.
  1. Chop cilantro and add to mixture along with dry seasonings, chopped walnuts and rice.
  2. Form the mixture into round patties, about the size of your fist.
  1. Cook on a grill or skillet until browned on each side.
  2. Top with your fave veggies and wrap in parchment paper for easy traveling.
  3. Enjoy!

Want more recipe ideas? Try one of our own on the #AerieREAL Life Recipe page! We recommend our Manuela’s toaster pastry recipe or this tart lemon sorbet.

How are you going to be spending your long weekend? Comment below & tell us!