#AerieREAL Life

How To: Care for Your Aerie Sweaters

During these chilly winter months, nothing is better than a cozy Aerie sweater! From fairisle to chenille—and everything oversized and in between—we want you to enjoy your sweater for ALAP (as long as possible). So, that’s why we’ve put together this care guide. Read on below to see our top tips on caring for all your fave sweaters!

Be gentle

When washing your sweaters, be sure to read the care instructions on each tag. You can always opt to hand wash them, but if you’re in a pinch—be sure to wash them on the gentle cycle in your washing machine.

Dry them

Both the washer and the dryer can often be harsh on sweaters! When drying, we recommend using a drying rack, or drying them flat on a clean towel.

Fold them

Hanging your sweaters can cause disfigurement, snags, and even holes! When storing your sweaters, be sure to fold them so they retain their shape.

If you do decide to hang them, be sure to drape them over the hanger (see below!) rather than hanging them from the neckline as you would traditionally.

What steps are you going to be taking to care for your Aerie sweaters? Comment below & tell us!

Want more care tips? Check to our leggings guide here!