#AerieREAL Life

#AerieREAL Positivity

Let’s get REAL, homebodies

These are uncertain times and staying home is not always the easiest. We ALL need more positivity in our lives right now. Tell us how you’re expressing yourself or helping others.

Painting, poetry, picking up groceries for family, dropping off a pick-me-up for a friend?  Share a video or pic of what you’re up to these days and make sure to include some positivity for your Aerie fam!

Email your submissions + a little about you: name, location, job, and a brief sentence or two about what #AerieReal feels like to you to positivity@aerie.com and you could be featured on #AerieREAL Life and our other social channels.

Want more? Come back EVERY Monday for new updates and start your week off with a little #AerieREAL positivity!

We’re in this together! Stronger together!  xo

Check out how our Aerie fam is sharing positivity!

By submitting or otherwise providing content to us for this #AerieREAL Positivity Campaign you acknowledge, understand, and accept, and agree to be bound to, our terms of use (“Terms”).  The Terms can be found at: http://www.ae.com/legal